Listed below are details of the PowerPoint presentations which are available for Physical Education.

  • Every presentation includes a full site licence
  • All presentations are available on one CD-ROM for the reduced price of 140 for over 250 slides


PE Fitness for Activities


Fitness for Activities contains over 130 slides covering the topics of bones, muscles, circulation and exercise. Coloured diagrams are used to show the principal bones in the skeleton. The use of the skeleton and the action and function of joints are also discussed. Animations are used to illustrate the way that movement is achieved by the combination of muscles and joints. The principal muscle groupings are illustrated. The circulatory system, including its function, the heart, blood pressure and pulse are all explained. Animation is used to illustrate the flow of blood through the heart. Five worksheets, written in Word, are included. €60


PE Diet


PE Diet is a presentation of 50 slides which cover the balanced diet, the energy equation and eating for sport. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibre and fluids are explained. BMR and the energy equation are illustrated in terms of increasing weight, decreasing weight and maintaining weight in the context of the competitor. Three worksheets, in Word format, are included. €40


PE Health and Fitness


PE Health and Fitness defines the terms ‘health’ and ‘fitness’ in detail. The 47 slides explain the meaning of health, fitness, strength, suppleness, stamina, speed, timing, balance, co-ordination, reactions, agility, explosive strength and body composition. The differences between mental and physical well-being, as well as cardiovascular and muscular fitness are all highlighted. Numerous images are used in the presentation and a worksheet, in Word format, is included for students to work through while following the presentation. €40


PE Physical Activity


PE Physical Activity contains 24 slides which explain both the changes on the body that physical activity brings about and the energetic requirements for physical activity to take place. Issues of age, size, gender and lifestyle are related to energy requirements. A worksheet, in Word format, is supplied to help your students to prepare notes efficiently from the presentation. €25